Предлагаю вашему вниманию и выношу на обсуждение новый ETC 2013 Rules Clarifications.
Из интересного для меня:
стр 4
6.5 Units that don’t always necessarily consist of
one model (Carnifex, Riptide, Paladin) can be joined
by IC’s.
6.6 An Independent Character with the Infiltrate
special rule can confer the ability to a unit it/he/she
joins prior to deploying the unit. Please note that an
Independent Character without the Infiltrate special
rule still cannot join said unit under those
стр. 5
2.4 If a model performing a “look out sir” is in
cover, he gets the benefits of cover even though
the model he is looking out for is not in cover and
regardless of any focused fire limitations.
стр. 7
2.9 The Ignores Cover special rule also negates
cover saves for vehicles.
из грустного:
стр 14
1.4 A Multi-Tracker can only be used in the
shooting phase, and not during overwatch or when
using the intercept special rule.